Saturday, June 12, 2010

A for Airbus, B for Boeing

A for Airbus B for Boeing... hardly any alphabets left in the commercial aircrafts segment. Though we find few worthwhile names to mention in the Business executive jets class Airbus and Boeing reign the commercial aerospace. Be it technology used in their aircrafts, or the size of the aircraft, or the number of deliveries they make both the big players have just been neck and neck in the past decade.

The most recent product of boeing is the 787. Airbus' answer to 787 is A350 which is still under development. Now the both OEMs(original equipment manufacturers) are working towards lighter, fuel efficient aircrafts. Both 787 and A350 make extensive use of composite materials. Traditionally fuselage uses aluminium. This helps it conduct the lightning electricity and prevent the damage to the internal equipments. A fuselage made up of composite material can have a resistance 1000 times more than that of aluminium. Wonder how boeing is going to meet the FAA requirements for lightning effect. Boeing's statement that it will meet all FAA requirements
shows the technology it processes.

Boeing is based out of USA and Airbus is based out of France and Germany. Aerospace industry products are life critical and hence bound to lots of rules and regulations. The FAA for USA and EASA for Europe are equally stringent in their regulatories leaving little leeway to innovative technologies. An example for this may be, touch screens have still not found their way in to the cockpits of any aircraft. In spite of the strict regulations the duopoly of these two companies continues. A healthy competition is always good isn't it?
Boeing Family and Airbus Family are both big...! Below are some the family members. Have a look.

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